July - 2020

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Web Conferencing; the new reality!

25 July 2020Posted by Telnet Marketing Team

Like it or not, web conferencing is settling in as the most adored way of communications between businesses and individuals! Not so long ago, face to face meetings were a must especially for B2Bs & B2Gs, then came COVID-19 to prove this concept as not indispensable!

Today, millions of online conferences are being held to resolve daily operations-related activities, to deliver educational materials, to train clients and to close business deals!

With the constant increase in cost of living, office rents, utilities and other operational costs, businesses have truly embraced web conferencing.

As a company who delivers technical logistics for e-webinar & e-conferencing, we have witnessed a sudden increase in demand for online events and we believe this trend is going to snowball faster than we all can think of. Our clients provide us with the needed information and we take care of the rest. We offload our clients from this cumbersome activity of organizing an e-event as well as helping them meet their departments target and ROIs. Instead of hosting 2 or 3 physical events per year with huge financial commitments, our clients are able to host on average 4 events per month with ¼ of the cost of a physical event! Such savings can improve our clients service satisfactions to their end-users and speed up the spread of knowledge!

A Glimpse of some Webinars we have hosted

18 July 2020Posted by Telnet Marketing Team

Regardless of the current worldwide economic situation, some industries remain resilient to continue their missions! Have a look at some of the virtual events that we have hosted lately!

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ICT jobs are set to grow

12 July 2020Posted by Telnet Marketing Team

“IT experts speaking on a Griffith University panel believe tech employment opportunities are set to boom, with 1.4 million extra jobs to be created by 2034. Data shared at The Job Market for ICT Professionals post-COVID-19 webinar forecast in the next four years alone there would be a shortage of about 100,000 technology professionals.”

Telnet seconds the Griffith University panel predictions, especially that the ICT sector has seen an unprecedented surge in networking, security, collaboration, video conferencing, online banking, and e-commerce demands.

Telnet alone has organized in the past 5 months more than 50 webinars & mini e-conferences. As for internet applications, we have received on average 500 applications per month! Such figures are the tip of the iceberg, as the pipeline is set to increase in the next few months.

Needless to say, the ICT sector is one diverse and large ecosystem and there is room for growth for all organizations especially that almost all companies and government entities are shifting their operations online!

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Automated webinars?

5 July 2020Posted by Telnet Marketing Team

There is no doubt that webinars are becoming a trend across the world, and this is due to their interactivity, simplicity and accessibility. We all get invited to attend an online conference or an e-round table; so we book ourselves and set up a spot around the house or in the office as we prepare to get hooked and watch speakers from across the world delivering a webinar with topics that are of interest to us. Moreover, we get the chance to interact with the speaker, raise questions and on many occasions fill online polls and surveys! Quite an achievement, without the need to commute to a location, get stuck in traffic, find a parking lot, or get dressed.

Then comes a webinar upgrade: Automated Webinars!

What are automated webinars? It is simply a pre-recorded webinar that you will register for.

A major benefit of automated webinars is the ability to watch it any time and replay it as much as needed. So why didn't automated webinars pick up? Simply because they lack the element of urgency, interactivity and the very fact of being pre-recorded!

Do you think automated webinars will ever replace interactive webinars? Or you believe automated webinars are more for e-courses and onboarding of employees? We leave you with these thoughts...